The Fourth District population is much more evenly distributed than the Third District is. Champaign County is 20.25%. Sangamon, home of the state capitol, is 19.89%. McLean County accounts for 17.99% and Macon County is 11.16%. Vermillion County accounts for 8.22%, Adams is 6.76% and Coles County is 5.43%. The remaining counties are substantially smaller.
Petition for Leave to Appeal
Where Do the Civil Cases From the Third District Reviewed by the Supreme Court Originate (2000-2009)
Our next data set is the civil cases between 2000 and 2009 from the Third District.
Will County is by far the biggest county in the Third, with 43.25% of the population among the counties which contributed cases in this decade. Peoria County accounted for 11.91%. Rock Island was 9.42% and Tazewell was 8.64%. LaSalle…
Where Do the Civil Cases from the Second District Reviewed by the Supreme Court Originate (Part II:2000-2009)
This week we’re reviewing the county-of-origin data for the civil docket for the years 2000 through 2009.
First, we compare the populations of the Second District counties which produced cases during the decade.
Du Page County had 30.58% of the population according to the 2010 census. Lake County had 23.46%. Kane County accounted for 17.19%…
Where Do the Civil Cases Reviewed by the Supreme Court From the Fifth District Originate (Part 1 – 1990-1999)
Finally, we come to the Fifth District, the largest District in terms of the total number of counties covered (18) and the next-to-smallest District by population, only a few thousand residents ahead of the Fourth District. St. Clair and Madison counties dominate the Fifth. Although they have over a half million residents between them, the…
Where Do the Civil Cases Reviewed by the Supreme Court From the Fourth District Originate (Part 1 – 1990-1999)
This time, we’re reviewing the geographic distribution of civil cases from the Fourth District during the 1990s.
The Fourth District has the largest number of counties of the three Districts we’ve reviewed so far – sixteen during this decade – but the lowest population, 440,000 less than the Third District and more than one and…
Where Do the Civil Cases Reviewed by the Supreme Court From the Third District Originate (Part 1 – 1990-1999)
With this post, we’re reviewing the distribution of civil cases from the Third District for the years 1990 through 1999. First, let’s look at the population distribution.
As of the 2000 census, the Third District was large geographically – encompassing fifteen counties – but small by population (only half the Second District). Will County accounted…
Where Do the Civil Cases Reviewed by the Supreme Court From the Second District Originate (Part 1 – 1990-1999)
Today we begin a new series, looking at the geographic origins of the Supreme Court’s civil docket from the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Districts of the Appellate Court. (If you’re wondering why we’re not addressing the First District, there’s only one county in the District, so it would make for a short post.)
Where Do the Illinois Supreme Court’s Criminal Cases Originate (2010-2020)?
This time, we’re concluding our three-week trip through the data for originating jurisdictions, looking at the Court’s criminal cases between 2010 and 2020.
For these years, Cook County accounted for 156 criminal cases. Will County was next, followed by Peoria, Du Page, Kane and Lake counties.
Several small counties made our second Table, producing between…
Where Do the Illinois Supreme Court’s Civil Cases Originate (2010-2020)?
This week, we’re wrapping up our three-week series on the geographical origins of the Court’s docket by reviewing the data for the years 2010 through 2020.
Between 2010 and 2020, the Court decided 150 civil cases which began in Cook County (once again, Cook is removed from the Table for readability). There was a three-way…
Where Do the Illinois Supreme Court’s Criminal Cases Originate (2000-2009)?
For the past several posts, we’ve been reviewing the jurisdictions where the Illinois Supreme Court’s civil and criminal cases originated. This time, we’re looking at the criminal cases for the years 2000 through 2009.
Once again, we omit Cook County from the Table to make it easier to read. Cook County produced 225 criminal cases…