Yesterday, we began our review of the Supreme Court’s civil constitutional law cases from 1990 to 2019.  Between 2005 and 2019, the Supreme Court decided 64 civil constitutional law cases.  Thirty-three of the Court’s constitutional law cases involved challenges to state government actions, and these cases were evenly distributed across the fifteen years.  Thirteen cases involved court process and procedure.  Nine cases involved claims of individual rights and another nine involved challenges to local government actions.
Continue Reading What Kinds of Civil Constitutional Law Cases Does the Supreme Court Decide (Part 2 – 2005-2019)?

For the past two weeks, we’ve been digging deeper on the Supreme Court’s caseload, dividing the cases by area of law into sub-areas.  This week, we’re looking at the Court’s docket of civil constitutional law cases – what kinds of cases make it to the Supreme Court?  We’ll divide the cases into four categories: cases involving the actions of state government; cases involving the actions of local governments; cases involving court process and procedure; and individual rights.  Once again, the height of a bar on the chart signifies the total number of civil constitutional law cases for the year.  The height of each colored ban in the bar signifies the number of cases involving that issue.
Continue Reading What Kinds of Civil Constitutional Law Cases Does the Supreme Court Decide (Part 1 – 1990-2004)?

Today, we’re reviewing the Court’s record with criminal constitutional law cases across the decade just concluded.  Between 2010 and 2019, the Court decided 92 criminal constitutional law cases.  Defendants won 27 of those cases and lost 65.  From 2010 to 2012, defendants won five and lost 19.  From 2013 to 2016, the defendants won 10

This week and next, we’re taking a break from our review of the Justices’ voting records in areas of civil law to look at criminal constitutional law cases.  First, we’re reviewing the Court’s overall record in these cases.

The Court decided 143 criminal cases between 1990 and 1999 involving constitutional law issues.  Criminal defendants won