7230372364_51f0318280_zYesterday, we reviewed the geographic sources of the Illinois Supreme Court’s civil docket in the first five years of our study period from 2000 to 2004. Today, we compare the originating counties for the criminal docket during the same years. We conclude that in many years early in the twenty-first century, Cook County did not

4512437526_ef0f8c54f3_zLast week, we completed our comparative look at the sources of appellate jurisdiction in the Illinois Supreme Court’s civil and criminal dockets. We demonstrated that although the Court’s civil docket is heavily inclined towards final judgments, review of interlocutory orders is by no means uncommon. Interlocutory orders are even more numerous on the criminal side

11585837205_87d514e4b7_zIn the last two posts, we’ve been investigating where in the state the Illinois Supreme Court tends to draw its civil docket from. Now, we turn to the last five years of our study period.


During the most recent years – comprising the entirety of the Kilbride Court and the beginning of the Garman Court

13633022513_eb04353de8_zIn our last post, we began our discussion of where in the state the Illinois Supreme Court’s civil docket has come from over the past fifteen years, beginning with population figures for 2000 and 2010, and including also the data from 2000-2004.

For the second five years of the study period, the Court’s civil caseload

4854192144_f659b8eb9a_zIn our last several posts, we considered how frequently the Illinois Supreme Court agrees to review summary judgments.

Next we consider the geographical sources of the Court’s civil docket.  The most obvious driver of caseload should be population – more residents equals more litigation, and therefore more candidates for possible Supreme Court review.  Therefore, as

7322120278_6e6c447110_zThe composition of the docket of any appellate court of discretionary jurisdiction is a matter of interest to both academic researchers and practicing appellate specialists.

A number of different studies in the academic literature argue that changes in appellate courts’ dockets reflect changes in the nature of American law.[1]  For example, property matters and