Justice Kilbride has participated in 85 constitutional law cases since taking his seat on the Court. He has supported defendants’ position, at least in part, in 50 cases while supporting plaintiffs in 35 cases. He supported defendants in 24 cases between 2001 and 2006 while voting for plaintiffs in 10 cases. Between 2007 and 2015, he supported defendants in 17 of 30 cases. Between 2016 and 2019, he has supported defendants in only six of 18 cases.
Justice Kilbride participated in 45 constitutional law cases which the defendant won at the Appellate Court. He supported the appellant in 28 cases and voted to reverse 17 times. Between 2001 and 2006, he supported defendants in 15 such cases while voting to reverse only three times. From 2007 to 2014, he supported defendants in 11 of 18 cases. Since 2015, he has supported defendants in only two of nine cases.
Justice Kilbride has participated in forty constitutional law cases lost by the defendant at the Appellate Court, voting for reversal in 22 cases and for affirmance in 18. Between 2001 and 2012, he supported defendants in 15 of 24 cases. Since that time, he has supported reversal in only seven of sixteen cases.
Join us back here next time as review Justice Thomas’ voting record.
Image courtesy of Flickr by David Wilson (no changes).