For the past several weeks, we’ve been reviewing the county by county data for civil and criminal cases at the Supreme Court.  This week and next, we’ll be looking at the reversal rates for the Districts and Divisions of the Appellate Court.  First up today – Chicago’s First District.  Since it’s difficult occasionally to confirm

Yesterday, we reviewed the origin of the Court’s criminal docket for the years 2005 through 2010.  Today, we finish the journey – the years 2011 through 2017.

One hundred and one of the 244 criminal, quasi-criminal and disciplinary cases the Court has heard 2011-2017 came from Chicago’s First District – 41.39%.  The Court decided eight

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been looking at how the Supreme Court’s civil docket is distributed among the Districts and Divisions of the Appellate Court.  This week and next, we’ll turn our attention to the Court’s criminal caseload.

We’ve speculated in past posts that population distribution might be a rough approximator for how the