This time, we’re concluding the first step in our review of the Districts’ reversal rates, one area of civil law at a time, for the 1990s.  Overall, the reversal rate was 100% in wills and estates law and property law.  The reversal rate for workers compensation law was 82.4%.  Insurance law’s reversal rate was 78.3%.  The reversal rate for government and administrative law and contract law was 75%.  Domestic relations cases were reversed at a rate of 58.8%.  The reversal rate for tort cases was 57.8%.  The rate for environmental law cases was 57.1%.  Civil procedure cases were reversed at a rate of 55.6%.  Half the cases in constitutional law, arbitration law and election law were reversed.  One-third of decisions in employment law and commercial law were reversed.  The reversal rate for tax law cases was only 14.3%.

In tort law, the reversal rate was for the Fifth District was 73.1%.  Two-thirds of decisions in the Third District were reversed.  The reversal rate for the Fourth District was 52.4% and for the Second District – 44.4%.  Government and administrative law reversal rates were flat – 77.8% for the Fifth District, 75% for the Second and Fourth, and 71.4% for the Third District.  Domestic relations cases were flat too – two-thirds reversal for the Fourth and Fifth Districts, 60% for the Second and 50% for the Third.  The reversal rate for civil procedure cases was 82.6% in the Fifth District, 50% for the Fourth, 38.1% for the Second District and 33.3% for the Third.  All the insurance law cases for the Third and Fourth District were reversed.  The reversal rates for the Fifth District were 62.5% and for the Second – 60%.

The reversal rate for the Third District in constitutional law was 100%.  Half the con law cases for the Second and Fifth Districts were reversed, and one-quarter from the Fourth District.  All the workers compensation cases from the Fourth District were reversed.  The rate was 80% for the Fifth District and two-thirds for the Second and Third Districts.

Join us back here next time as we move forward to the reversal rates for the second decade – 2000 through 2009.

Image courtesy of Flickr by Kathleen (no changes).