This week, we’re reviewing the reversal rates for the Appellate Court in criminal cases since 1990.  First up, the six Divisions of Chicago’s First District of the Appellate Court.

Since 1990, Division One of the First has fared worst, with a reversal rate in criminal cases of 57.14%.  Division Three was next at 56.52%.  The reversal rate in Division Two was 56.25%.  Division Four’s reversal rate 1990-2020 was 55.56%.  The best two Divisions were Five, with a reversal rate of 50%, and Six, where 47.62% of criminal decisions were reversed.

Division Three was significantly more common on the Supreme Court’s docket than any other Division of the First District – 69 cases from 1990 to 2020.  The other Divisions were closely bunched: Division One, 49 cases; Division Two, 48; Division Four, 45 cases; Division Six, 42 cases and Division Five, 40 cases.

Between 1990 and 1999, Division Three fared the worst, with a reversal rate of 66.67%.  Division Six’s reversal rate was 58.33%, and Division Two was at an even 50%.  The other three Divisions were all below that: One (46.15%), Four (44.44%) and Five (43.75%).

Between 2000 and 2009, Division Five fared worst, with a reversal rate of 69.23%.  Division Four was next at 68.42%.  Division Three’s reversal fell slightly to 60.87%.  The reversal rate in Division Two was 58.33%.  The rate for Division One was 53.33%.  Division Six fared best, with a reversal rate of one-half.

Between 2010 and 2020, Division One has had a reversal rate of two-thirds.  Division Two was next at 61.11%.  The other four Divisions all fared unusually well: Division Four, 47.06%; Three, 44%; Six, 37.5% and Five, 36.36%.

Join us back here tomorrow as we review the data for the rest of the state.

Image courtesy of Pixabay by 12019 (no changes).