Today, we announce a major expansion of the data library that powers The Illinois Supreme Court Review. For the past year, our analysis of the Illinois Supreme Court’s work has been based upon a data library consisting of the 620 civil cases decided by the Court since January 1, 2000.
For the past several months, we’ve been hard at work expanding the data. Beginning today, our analysis will be based on a data library encompassing all of the Court’s decisions since 2000 – civil, criminal, quasi-criminal, juvenile and disciplinary. Through the end of 2015, this amounts to 1,493 opinions – collectively, more than 89,400 data points drawn from every one of the Court’s decisions for the entire high court careers of all but one of the current Justices. As a result, we can now base our analysis on the entire landscape of the Court’s work, as well as contrasting the Court’s decision making in its civil and criminal dockets.
As a reminder, our data fields are:
Join us back here tomorrow as we begin the next phase of our analysis of the Court’s work.
Image courtesy of Flickr by Matt Turner (no changes).